Seven years after the Monsterpocalypse, Joel Dawson, along with the rest of humanity, has been living underground ever since giant creatures took control of the land. After reconnecting over radio with his high school girlfriend Aimee, who is now 80 miles away at a coastal colony, Joel begins to fall for her again. As Joel realizes that there’s nothing left for him underground, he decides against all logic to venture out to Aimee, despite all the dangerous monsters that stand in his way.
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Quality: HD
Year: 2020
Duration: 118 Min
Director:Michael Matthews
Cast:Amali Golden, Andrew Buchanan, Ariana Greenblatt, Ariu Lang Sio, Bruce Spence, Damien Garvey, Dan Ewing, Donnie Baxter, Dylan O’Brien, Ellen Hollman, Hazel Phillips, Helen Howard, Jessica Henwick, Joel Pierce, Julia Johnson, Keiichi Enomoto, Larry Cedar, Melanie Zanetti, Michael Rooker, Miriama Smith, Pacharo Mzembe, Senie Priti, Tandi Wright, Tasneem Roc, Te Kohe Tuhaka, Thomas Campbell, Tonia Renee, Tre Hale